Shifting the Lens: Women Redefining Media

By Constance, Linh & Noah

How are women oppressed in the media?

“Ever since I graduated college, I was never able to find a proper job as an woman, working in the field of news-making and media coverage. People would assume that I wasn’t as qualified as my male counterparts, who had the same amount of experience as me, in some cases, none at all. It took me an entire year to be able to be able to secure a job, yet I was still being put down by my male co-workers.”

– Elizabeth, 26

According to researchers at AKAS, women were quoted voices in only 29% of online news stories analyzed in the U.K. in 2019—and that was the highest percentage among the six countries. In India, they made up just 14%. On high-profile beats such as the economy, men’s share of voices was up to 31 times higher than women’s.

Our Goals

By looking at various perspectives of the media industry, we are attempting to spread the voices of oppressed women around the world.


Gender Pay Gap

Stereotyping & Objectification

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“We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead.”


American Singer/Songwriter/Businesswoman